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4.6. Admonitions

To bring a statement to the reader's attention, use an admonition. The admonitions available are note, tip, important, warning, and caution.
When using an adminition, always include a title according to the type of adminition it is: Note, Tip, Warning, Important, or Caution. Do not use a phrase or anything else for the title.
Try to keep the statements as brief and to the point as possible.
Try to use adminitions sparingly so that they do not lose their effectiveness.
Use Note to bring additional information to the users' attention.
Use Tip to show the user helpful information or another way to perform a task.
Use Important to show the user a piece of information that should not be overlooked. While this information may not change anything the user is doing, it should show the user that this piece of information could be vital.
Use Warning to show the reader that his current setup will change or be altered, such as files being removed, and he should not choose this operation unless he is alright with the consequences.
Use Caution to show the user that he must be careful when attempting a certain step.
Refer to Quick Reference for SGML Commands for details on how to implement these in SGML.