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4.2. xnec2c

yum info as placeholder
Description: xnec2c is a GUI interactive application that (in its current form)
           : reads NEC2 input files but presents output data in graphical form,
           : e.g. as wire frame drawings of the radiation pattern or near E/H
           : field, graphs of maximum gain, input impedance, vswr etc against
           : frequency and simple rendering of the antenna structure, including
           : color code representation of currents or charge densities.
           : These results are only calculated and drawn on user demand via
           : menu items or buttons, e.g. xnec2c is interactive and does not
           : execute NEC2 "commands" in batch style as the original does.
xnec2c - yagi
xnec2c display of 6 element 20 meter yagi

Figure 18. xnec2c - yagi